Corporate Responsibility


Your Fund takes its responsibility as a corporate citizen seriously. It is committed to achieving its investment objectives through responsible corporate practices, and to improving and nurturing a more harmonious society, be it for its share owners, investors or the community at large.


Share Owner Value

By adhering to its eclectic value investing philosophy, your Fund is committed to safeguarding share owners’ long-term interest by increasing its net asset value over the long-term, within levels of risk acceptable to value investing.


Community Engagement and Responsible Investing

As a relatively small listed fund, we focus our initiatives on where our limited resources can have the greatest positive impact on the community. Therefore, we apply our corporate responsibility efforts by identifying areas where we can engage the community and encourage responsible investing.

Ever since your Fund held its inaugural Investor Day in 2010, your Fund Manager and Investment Adviser have been working diligently in organising all the investor days, with the objective of educating the investing public on sound investing and to increase the awareness of Berhad among the general public. Believing strongly in the raison d’etre of your Fund that “serious long-term investing in Bursa Securities can offer superior returns”, they were not paid any extra fees for undertaking these selfless initiatives.

Besides the Investor Day, it is also a tradition for your Fund to organise Annual General Meeting (AGM) on a Saturday for share owners’ convenience as well as extending the usual AGM session from a half-day event to a full-day event over the past 5 years. The objective is to facilitate better and more effective share owner engagement through more insight sharing by the Designated Person and Q & A sessions.


2022 Investor Day of Berhad

Together with your Fund Manager, your Fund will again organise the annual Investor Day for the investing public in 2022, having been postponed for 2 years due to the COVID-19 pandemic. More information regarding the 2022 Investor Day will be shared on the corporate website of your Fund and official websites and social media channels of your your Fund Manager. Do follow us closely.


Building a Better Business Community

As part of your Fund’s community engagement effort, Tan Teng Boo, the Designated Person shared his business and investing insights with more than 300 CEOs and senior managers on the importance of implementing strategies for the long-term in a free-for-public webinar organised by Vistage Malaysia on 2nd March 2022. In his webinar entitled “Turning Crisis into Opportunities”, Tan Teng Boo pointed out that most Malaysian firms that he has liaised with in his line of work as a fund manager, regardless of their size and status, seldom focus on strategic planning and long-term strategies. As a result, they are caught up in crisis and unable to turn them into opportunities as they do not anticipate them. Being the only Malaysian fund manager and business owner who has experienced many crises including the 1973 recession, 1985 economic crisis, 1990 Gulf War, 1997 Asian crisis, 2000 technology bubble, 2008 US-led global financial crisis, 2012 Euro debt crisis, and the 2020 pandemic recession, Tan Teng Boo enlightened the participants on how they can turn crisis into opportunities through three insightful case studies: 1). Capital Dynamics’ journey of building a global fund management firm; 2). The impact of climate change; and 3). The rise of Asian middle class. Just like how he has been managing your Fund, Tan Teng Boo advised the CEOs and senior managers to be long-term focus and to ensure sufficient margin of safety in managing their businesses.


Empowering Youth

To empower our youth, Tan Teng Boo shared his research on the impact of climate change with the students of HELP University Malaysia in the Post-Pandemic Investment Opportunities Forum organised by the Business Student Committee (BSC) of HELP University Malaysia in collaboration with the Chartered Financial Analyst Society Malaysia and Capital Dynamics in February 2022. Our youth ought to be aware of the dire state of our mother earth and how their future will be affected by the worsening impact of the human-induced climate change. Tan Teng Boo also provided invaluable investment advice to the students as they start their investment journey.

With the global community still battling the COVID-19 Pandemic, your Fund and your Fund Manager will need to adapt to the new normal when conducting its corporate social responsibility (“CSR”) efforts. However, this change will not compromise the CSR efforts of your Fund.
Your Fund will continue to strive to empower and foster a positive change in society, especially the investing public and the financial community by providing them access to quality investment knowledge. It is part of your Fund’s mission to make the community a better place by empowering people with the right attitudes, whether it relates to investing, business or life.